Community Capacity Building
JWS Pakistan "Community Capacity Building”
Capacity building is about promoting the ‘capacity’ of local communities to enhance and develop their skills in a way that helps them to effectively manage their tiny businesses/ enterprise. Through trainings and other initiatives, the targeted communities are offered tailored programs meant to develop entrepreneurial abilities among the people. In other words, it refers to inculcation, development, and polishing of entrepreneurial skills into a person needed to establish and successfully run his / her enterprise. The capacity building program involves equipping a person with the required skills and knowledge needed for starting and running the enterprise. Under this program, wide range of trainings is conducted for community members to cater their enterprise needs.
• Vocational Skills Training.
• Community Management Skills Training.
• Vegetable Cultivation.
• Wheat Crop Cultivation.
• Rice Crops Cultivation.
• Enterprise Development Training.
• Live Stock Management.
• Leadership Management Training.
• Awareness Campaign on Consumer Rights.
• Effective Loan Utilization & Record keeping.